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What is your true label?

Amy Loflin

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

Sometimes a label can adhere as a result of a weak moment, overshadowing our true identities.

One of Jesus's disciples understood this all too well. If you've been a Christ follower for any length of time, when you hear the name "Thomas" you likely recall his infamous nickname, "Doubting Thomas". When he was told of the Resurrection, his response revealed skepticism:

“Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe." – John 20:25

Hence, he went down in history as "Doubting Thomas". Thomas is only mentioned eleven times in scripture and quoted three times. Remember the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, and how He purposefully held back and didn't return to Bethany until days after his friend's death? In the days leading up to His travel, the disciples were actually urging Him not to go at all, knowing it would be dangerous due to the rising tensions He had been creating. Then, something astonishing happened… Thomas said to the rest of the disciples:

“Let us also go, that we may die with him.” – John 11:16 NIV

What a remarkable declaration of valor and loyalty! According to John's account, Thomas showed great leadership as he proclaimed to the group of worried men that they have been called, as Christ's followers, to follow Him no matter the cost. His courage and dedication were evident through this decree!

And so I admit it bugs me that his label of "Doubting Thomas" stuck through the centuries. Why hasn't he been known as "Dedicated Thomas" or "Brave Thomas"? It seems a shame that he has been defined by a weak moment as opposed to one of his greatest.


Maybe you can relate?

Perhaps you feel the heavy weight of a label that has been adhered to your chest. We've all fallen short. We've all sinned and have had weak moments or even seasons in our lives. Unfortunately, our past mistakes don't always stay in the past where they belong. They keep us up at night. We ruminate on our regrets and shame as we struggle to forgive ourselves and release the badge that defines us in our worst moment.

And, yet...while we were still sinners Christ died for us! His sacrifice redefines us.

Imagine for a moment standing in front of a cross. Seriously, close your eyes and imagine this scene. You are staring at a splintered cross – a symbol of death. Now, imagine turning to see the compassionate, patient face of Jesus beside you. Understanding what He is wanting you to do, you peel off the label you've carried for so long, reach up, and stick it to a beam of the cross. Your Savior then willingly gives His life to forever remove the stain of sin.

The next time you feel haunted by the sins and labels of your past, imagine that label literally hanging on the cross behind Jesus. If you want it back, you would have to ask Him for it. And, I can promise you that Jesus would rather die than give it back to you.

In fact, that is exactly what He did.

What true label do you need to proudly claim and wear instead? Take a moment to reflect and pray over this, asking your Heavenly Father, your Divine Creator to forever name you.

What is your true label?

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