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Seeking Him with fresh eyes this Christmas

Amy Loflin

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

The Christmas story is one of the most well-known stories of our time and culture. Many of us grew up hearing it repeated each year, and it’s become so familiar that we can recite certain phrases. A common disadvantage of this familiarity is the tendency to gloss over this beautiful story and focus our attention on the hustle and bustle of the season.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the narrative in a way you may not have done for a while (or ever!). Each week until Christmas, we will examine the story from a different perspective, taking our time to engage with the events as they unfold by placing ourselves as a bystander within specific scenes. This Advent season let’s choose to return to the wonder, allowing the well-known story to captivate and delight us with fresh perspectives and awe.

Let’s begin by stepping into the humble home of a young, impoverished Jewish girl. Don’t skip ahead. Take your time. Close your eyes and allow your senses to ignite as you survey your surroundings.

What do you see, hear, smell? What is she doing?

Perhaps she is sweeping a dirt floor with an ill-equipped broom as her companion. Rays of sunlight pour through a window carved out in the mud wall as dust particles dance in the light. Dogs bark and roosters crow as the girl hums a tune during her chore. Scents of a wood stove and baking bread draw your attention. Breathe it in.

Her task is suddenly interrupted by the entrance of an angel! As the girl’s broom stills, imagine standing beside her. Look carefully at the young girl; how does she react? Is she frightened, skeptical, or dumbfounded? Does she appear humbled or calm? What do you see and feel?

“Greetings, you who  are highly favored!”  Luke 1:28

As you watch the girl steady herself and catch her breath, the angel speaks:

“Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

Take a moment to reflect on the oddity of what’s unfolded in front of you.

Such a proclamation would be fitting for a queen or royalty. But, Mary is a peasant girl and not even a productive member of society. From anyone else’s perspective, she is anything but favored! Being born female without wealth, she already has two huge strikes against her. Not to mention, she has yet to do anything remarkable (such as giving birth to and helping to raise the Son of God!).

So, why does the angel claim Mary to be “highly favored”?

God could have picked any woman, from any status, and at any time in history. Why does he pick Mary for this significant role? Mary was chosen because she was a humble daughter of God, one of great character who possessed a heart posture to honor her Lord. God didn’t view Mary as highly favored due to anything she did. She was highly favored due to who she was.

Today, in a world that favors productivity, degrees, success, and accolades, it can be difficult for us to wrap our hearts and minds around this perspective. Our God favored being over doing…and He still does today. How does this knowledge change your perspective? How does this story transform the way you will move through the next few weeks?

May this be a comfort to us this Christmas season, and a reminder to prioritize peace over perfection. Do we continue to shop, serve, decorate, visit, bake, wrap, cook, and host? Yes! But we do these things to enjoy and celebrate the season. We do them out of a place of favor, not an effort to gain favor. Rest in the assurance that your God loves you simply because you are His.

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