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Recognizing God's presence in your life

Amy Loflin

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

busy women working at computer

Women make the world go round. We lead the meetings, run the carpool, create the budgets, cut the sandwiches, fold the laundry, wipe the tears, send the emails, and make the appointments. We wear all the hats, go to bed exhausted, wake up still tired, and set to do it all over again. In the meantime, we know that one of the first things to go by the wayside is any energy or attention on our relationship with God. And, yet, we all know we cannot give from an empty well.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ~ Matthew 11:28

Notice that the “rest” Jesus promises is in response to our initiation. We have to first go to Him. And, yes, that is so often easier said than done. Some of us are in the throws of seasons in which it feels impossible to add one more thing to our schedules. The last thing you need is to add guilt to the mix. But, there are still ways that you can build in intentional focus with God. Think of something you do multiple times a day, such as open or close a door, place your fingers on a keyboard, or look at your watch. Decide to pair prayer with one of those tasks, and use this method to build in a natural habit of prayer and recognition of God’s presence in your life. The prayers can be very simple:

“God, give me Your strength for this task.”

  • “Jesus, I trust Your guidance.”

  • “God, please help me honor You in what I’m about to do.”

  • “Heavenly Father, thank You for…”

Resist chiding yourself when you forget. Simply recognize it and move on. Receive the grace Jesus died to give you, then create ways to strengthen the connection with the task and a reminder for prayer. You will slowly begin to recognize God’s presence even in the midst of chaotic days.

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