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"I'm at a spiritual plateau."

Amy Loflin

Updated: Jan 18, 2024

A woman reached out yesterday through social media, inquiring about Encounter. She gave me permission to share some of what she wrote:

contemplative woman looking into the distance

“I have been seeing your stuff pop up for a few weeks now and I feel like it is a God wink. My church has done so much for me spiritually, but I feel like I’m at a plateau and as if my daily time with God is becoming just running through the motions. Life is busy and I try to fit in time with Jesus, but find myself making excuses. My husband has been flourishing in his prayer life and I long to have that deep connection like he does. I just feel like I am getting in my own way.”

I was immediately struck by how much she sounded like me in the winter of 2022. My connection with God felt dry. I was doing plenty for Him, but little with Him. And, I knew that I needed a spiritual reset – something that would grab my attention and immerse me deeper into His presence.

During two snow days in January of 2022, through a great deal of prayer and longing, Encounter was designed. I had no idea at the time it would turn into something for other women. I just kept hearing Him whisper to me: “This is about You and me.”

This time wasn’t about gaining more biblical knowledge. I had done plenty of wonderful Bible studies in my life. This was about experiencing Jesus at a personal level, coming to Him without expectations, with a heart wide open to absorb more of Him. In the weeks that followed, the time I spent with Jesus was rich, purposeful, revealing, and healing. With each passing step, I fell in love with Him more.

Now as they went on their way, [Jesus] entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. - Luke 10:38

Jesus invited and still invites His daughters into His presence. He calls us to His feet, in the posture of a disciple. Why? Because He loves us. He loves you. He delights in time with His daughters, when we come to Him without agenda, with open hearts to receive what He longs to share!

As I was experiencing this truth for myself, little did I know that God was simultaneously stirring the hearts of a few other women with whom He would soon unite with the common desire to make His love known to His daughters. Shortly thereafter, Echo Joy Collective was born.

So, there you have a bit of the history behind EJC. And if any of this resonates with you; if you, too, have felt the longing for more intentional time with your Divine Creator, consider experiencing Encounter.

I pray that you find ways to engage in holy rhythms with your Heavenly Father. He loves you and desires an intimate connection with you.

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