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Easter isn't over!

Amy Loflin

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

Imagine for a moment that you are the Savior of the world and are just about to reveal your immense power and love. Three days prior your physical body died on a cross and was then laid in a tomb. Now it's time to announce your resurrection! After years of ministry and teaching, after causing confusion and strife, you are finally at the point at which you get to make all things new and prove your holiness to the world!

How would you make your entrance?

One might expect a grand and flashy appearance with strobe lights and fog machines in a large arena filled with thousands of eager onlookers. Seems an effective way to spread the word, right?

But, that's not how the actual Savior chose to reenter the world. His return mimicked His life. It pointed to His desire for personal relationships with His followers. He didn't choose to first appear to thousands, or even to His eleven male disciples. His first appearance was to a woman.

The scene of Mary Magdalene approaching the empty tomb is so powerful (John 20:11-18). We find her weeping at the tomb, distraught and confused as anyone who is grief-stricken would be. Two angels ask her why she is crying and her response speaks volumes.

"They have taken away my Lord." John 20:13

For three days, Mary has been living in a world without her Lord. The desolation and hopelessness are truly unfathomable. Notice she doesn't refer to Jesus as the Lord or Isreal's Lord or even our Lord. She calls Him "my Lord". Her relationship with Him was not casual or shallow. Mary's connection to Jesus was personal, profound, and powerful.

Another man then approaches Mary outside of the tomb. In the confusion of the moment and emotion, Mary assumes Jesus is a gardener. It isn't until Jesus says her name that she recognizes Him as her risen Lord!

"He calls His own sheep by name...and they recognize His voice." John 10:3

The delight, relief, and hope that Mary experienced at that moment is hard to comprehend. What a remarkable scene! Everything changed in an instant! Gratitude, assurance, and peace consumed her!

And the truth of the Good News is that the instantaneous change wasn't for Mary alone. Even in our darkest times, we will never experience the hopelessness that Mary faced as she approached the tomb. We will never have to endure our trials in a world in which our Lord has been taken away! He has risen and is alive today! So no matter what you may be facing today, know this truth is available and real for you.

  • Jesus is beside you as you weep at a loved one's grave.

  • Jesus is beside you as chemo is pumped into your body.

  • Jesus is beside you in the attorney's office as you sign heartbreaking papers.

  • Jesus is beside you as you struggle in a job that is unfulfilling.

  • Jesus is beside you as you fight to restore a broken relationship.

  • Jesus is beside you as you parent your children through tough seasons.

Jesus died so He could become the Resurrection. He died to reveal Himself as not just the hope of the world, but your hope. He longs for you to receive this truth, and to live it out.

Notice that Jesus didn't just camp out with Mary that day. Instead, He sent her on a divine mission. By His power and choosing, He appointed Mary as an apostle to the apostles! What an immense privilege that He afforded to a woman. His call to her then is the same for you and me today. "Go and tell." We receive, then we share. Who will you tell today? Someone in your circle of influence needs the hope that only the Resurrection can offer.


Ready for a Reset?

Perhaps you long for the intimacy with Jesus that Mary experienced. You're in the right place!

Encounter: A Personal Journey with Jesus is designed for women to experience the abundance that Jesus promises. It's created to offer a jolt out of complacency, comfort for pain, and fuel for curiosity in faith.

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