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An Unexpected Blessing

Amy Loflin

I bet if we asked ten different people to define what it means to be “blessed,” we'd probably hear ten different answers. Some might say it means being fortunate, favored, gifted, or privileged. Others might describe their blessings in terms of specific circumstances: being blessed with a good medical report, landing a promotion, or having a supportive circle of family and friends.

I know I’ve often looked around at the people and circumstances that bring me joy and, with a heart full of gratitude, offered up a prayer for the many blessings I’ve received.

Luke 1:45

This week, I found myself reading the story of Mary’s visit with her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1). Their conversation, filled with joy and wonder, opened my eyes to a new perspective on blessing. Elizabeth, in her excitement over Mary’s pregnancy, proclaims, “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”

At first, I interpreted Elizabeth’s words as simply a recognition of Mary's faith: "Because you believed the Lord, He has blessed you." But as I sat with those words, something deeper emerged. I began to wonder: What if there's another way to understand Elizabeth’s message?

Perhaps what Elizabeth was really saying is this: Your belief is the blessing.

And that thought filled my heart in a way I hadn’t expected.

Maybe it’s not an either/or, but a both/and. Both interpretations could be true. Belief can lead to blessing, and belief itself can be the blessing. This second perspective—that belief itself is a blessing—has a richness that shifts the focus. It suggests that the blessing isn’t only about the good things that God gives us, but also about the way our hearts respond in faith to His promises.

It’s a humbling thought: Do I recognize that my belief, in and of itself, is a blessing?

If I truly believe that “the Lord will do what He said,” then perhaps that trust is a blessing just as much—if not more—than any tangible gift or favorable circumstance He may provide.

gifts under tree

I’ve been waiting for an answer to a prayer for a few years now. Perhaps you have, too. On the good days, I can hold onto the belief that God will fulfill it—whether in my lifetime or beyond. But on the not-so-good days, worry and doubt creep in, and I find myself having to choose to believe all over again. On those days, I have to intentionally push back fear with the best weapon I have: belief in God’s faithfulness.

My belief brings me comfort and strength as it draws me closer to the heart of God. It keeps my focus on His sovereignty, power, and promises instead and off of worry and doubt. So, in the waiting, I’ve come to wonder: Is my belief itself a blessing? The more I reflect, the more I think it is.

And maybe that’s the most unexpected blessing of all. It’s not just about the outcome we long for, but the faith that carries us through the waiting.

Whatever you're waiting for this Christmas season, I pray that your belief in His word grows stronger. May you find unexpected blessings in the very act of believing, even before the answers come.

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